Yoga Sequences

Yoga Sequence – Back Bend Focus

Back Bend Sequence

Fun Camel variations and lots of opportunities to deepen your back bends. Remember to engage your core lock (super strong abs) to be safe with each back bend. Also reach your chest up to the sky to find a full, complete back bend. Find the place between too much and not enough, don’t over do it so that you can practice again tomorrow!

Peak Poses: Full Dancer, Figure four Arm Balance, Camel with Figure four Legs, Dolphin, Forearm Stand, Revolved Triangle

Savasana or Collapsed Bridge
Simple supine twist (arms sideways on ground)

Stretch legs open (sideways) Pulses
Cross legs forward and back (back on the ground)
Bicycle sit ups
Bridge hip raises (figure four)

Come up to seated position:
Butterfly legs torso forward
Butterfly legs w/ back bend
Squat and curl
Table top

Three points pose (knees, chest and chin down)
Cobra and/or sphinx
Child’s pose
Seal pose
High plank
—Repeat three times—

Down Dog
Wide leg Forward Fold with chest down and arms forward
Scandasana (gentle)
Horse with hands on inner tighs and twist to each side (three times)
Soften knees and jump feet together (land with soft knees)
Mountain backbend
Forward Fold
Half Lift
Standing Cat/Cow (three times)
Standing and move arms in circle up and down (three times)

Samastithi – Set Intention

Side bend (right to left)
Back bend
Side twist (right to left)
Back bend
Forward Fold

Standard Sun A (do it three times)

One Leg Mountain (left leg first) with airplane arms
Warrior one with cactus arms
Balancing airplane
One leg mountain with arms up
Figure four (hands to heart)
One leg mountain extend leg with arms up
Standing Savasana
—repeat on other side (Right leg up)-

Chair with airplane arms
—Repeat three times—

Mountain with backbend
Side bend (right to left)
Side twist (right to left)
Exalted arms
Chair with arms forward
Chair with airplane arms
Standing Savasana

Hold Dancer base (w/ both hands)
Extend into Warrior three
Lunge with airplane arms
Warrior one with cactus arms
Warrior one
Warrior one with airplane arms
One leg mountain
Standing savasana
—Do the same on the other side—

Standard Dancer
Warrior three
Lunge with airplane arms
Warrior one with backbend (cactus arms)
Crescent lunge (arms up)
Balancing airplane
One leg mountain (Option to extend leg)
—Do the same on the other side—

Dancer with both hands (strap)
Warrior three
Lunge with airplane
Warrior one with cactus arms
Horse (remove strap)
Crescent lunge
Balancing airplane
One leg Mountain
Hond on to knife edge of foot and twist
Switch hands open leg to side
Hot style Tree pose
Figure four with arm balance
—Do the same on the other side—

Come down with hands to heart (bend knees)

Standard Camel
Camel with tucked toes hands to heels
Sit down with stacked shins or stacked knees (full pigeon)

DEMO: Camel with Figure four legs

Camel with Figure four legs
Seated twist (hot yoga style)
Stretch one leg out to the side forward fold (hot yoga style)
Star gazer
Boat with hooked toes
Wide leg seated forward fold

DEMO: Forearms Stand (inversion)

Dolphin or Forearm Stand
Puppy dog

Lay Down on Back:

Bridge or Wheel
Supta badha konasana – butterfly legs

Surrender Series:

Happy baby
Shoulder stand
Supine twist
Fish (with block) – cactus arms and option for butterfly legs

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