
Panjabi And Jay Z ‘Beware’ and Mindfulness In All Aspects Of Life

Jay Z is probably the greatest rapper of all time. The crazy part is that he pretty much never writes down his lyrics, remembering all of them in his head and then just spitting them into the mic in the recording studio. Imagine how present he needs to be to perfectly rap out those intricate patterns of words.

It’s Thich Nhat Hanh who has shown us that mindfulness is for all our activities, that actually the meditative state is defined as being fully present in the here and now, regardless of what it is you’re doing. It could be washing the dishes, having a cup of tea, chatting with a friend, or spitting mad lyrics. Luckily us yogis get the chance to cultivate the meditative state in a very intense way every day on our yoga mats.

Mindfulness aside, this is a really cool Indian beat by Punjabi that Jay Z sounds awesome on, perfect to play during ab sequences where you need some added umph to battle through the burn.

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